Union Presbyterian Church
*5615 Union Road, Gastonia NC 28056* *704.864.7681*
Online Giving
For your convenience we have added a method for you to give your offerings with an app called Tithe.ly. Tithe.ly is an outside app that takes every measure to keep your information secure as you are giving. Please note that if you choose to use this app, the Church Treasurer and the Administrative Assistant are the only ones who have access to the information. If you choose to use this method of giving, the following information will be needed:
Email address (necessary)
Physical address and phone number (non essential if you are a church membe)
Card or bank information
If you want to use this app regularly, simply click on "remember me," add a password or pin and your information will be saved.
There is a 2.9 % plus $.30 per transaction on credit/debit cards and 1% plus $.30 per transaction on bank transactions. These fees are charged the church. You may include these fees in your giving if you so desire - they are calculated automatically. If you choose not to include the fees, the amount you give less the fees is deposited to the church while you receive full credit for the amount you give on your contribution statement.
Tithe.ly will email you a notification of each transaction you make and a contribution statement will be mailed to you by Tithe.ly at the end of each year.