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Good Friday Service 2024
Procession of the Cross

Join us on Friday, March 29 for this unique service in partnership with New Hope Presbyterian, Robinson Memorial, and Union. We will meet at New Hope Presbyterian Church at 6 pm (4357 S New Hope Rd, Gastonia). And then join in a vehicle procession to Union, and then Robinson as we listen to story of the crucifixion of Christ as told in Mark.  During the Processional, you can use this webpage to listen to music, poetry, special readings, and Scripture for the travel time between churches. We hope you can join us this year! 

Prelude to listen as we wait to start

Track 1 Prelude

Listen After Visiting New Hope Church

Track 2 between New Hope and Union - 3_11_24, 10.55 AM

Listen After Visiting Union Church

Track 3 Between Union and Robinson - 3_18_24, 1.38 PM

Listen After Visiting Robinson Memorial Church

Track 4 Between Robinson and Home - 3_18_24, 1.45 PM
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